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Alert Block

Alert Block Examples

The Alert Block displays content within a dismissible container. The block may be used to feature important information on any page — like notifying viewers of a limited time offer, breaking news, or recent updates. Additionally, the block may be displayed within your page content, or as a popup message that floats above your content when the page loads — or even when the visitor’s mouse exits the browser window.

Multiple block variations are showcased below. Each variation may be copied to your clipboard, and pasted directly into your WordPress block editor. However, the Organic Blocks plugin is required.

Please Note: These are example style variations created to showcase the block flexibility. Any variation can be modified to your liking, and entirely new variations may be created using the block settings.

Variation 1

This is an example of the Alert Block. It’s a useful block for notifying your viewers of important information.

Copy this block variation using the button, and paste it into your WordPress block editor. The Organic Blocks plugin is required.

Copy Block
Copied block to clipboard!

Variation 2

Wait! There’s More!

Please take a moment to read this important message!

Copy this block variation using the button, and paste it into your WordPress block editor. The Organic Blocks plugin is required.

Copy Block
Copied block to clipboard!

Variation 3

Don’t miss this important information! It’s really important.

Copy this block variation using the button, and paste it into your WordPress block editor. The Organic Blocks plugin is required.

Copy Block
Copied block to clipboard!

Variation 4
Last Chance!

The Alert Block can display a popup when the visitor begins to exit the browser. Use this functionality to promote sales, newsletter signups, or limited offers.